We’ve already shared some great tips about blocking your finished pieces and now we’re sharing tips for being successful when using hand-dyed yarns. The Yarnover Truck specializes in and carries hand-dyed yarns exclusively. Working with the amazingly talented people who create these beauties plus using & selling these yarns for the past seven years, I have picked up some tips & tricks I want to share.
This week’s tip is to Choose The Right Project for the Yarn. This means understanding hand-dyed yarns can be and are usually different from machine dyed skeins including being a bit unpredictable in how the colors will look in a completed project. Because of the nature of hand-dyeing, the same yarn can often times look very different in different patterns and projects too.
I love hand-dyed yarns, especially a good variegated skein, but they are not always right for every project. Especially a project with a lot of texture or a lace pattern. Here are a couple of examples of what I’m talking about: